I’ve seen a number of discussions over the last few days around the fact that the Scrum Values have finally been added to the Scrum Guide. On the whole the consensus seems to be that this was obvious and overdue improvement to the guide, to the point where it should perhaps be considered as a ‘bug fix’…
I had the privilege of being called for jury service this year. It’s incredible really, we can learn so much from people who have nothing to do with our line of work; we get to see things differently – it’s so renewing. Spending several days with the same 11 jurors on the trial, as well as the…
A few months ago I wrote about some of the challenges faced by a Scrum Master with a technical background, namely the risk of having an opinion on technical matters and wanting to express it. The discussion came to light again when I read Manjit’s heartfelt article which looked at the problem from the other perspective and…
Should you bother reading on? If you’re a Project Manager thinking about re-branding yourself as a ScrumMaster after reading a little on the subject, then beware of the traps and pitfalls discussed here that may await you. If you’re a senior manager or recruiter and you think there is a similarity between the roles of…
As a Scrum Master there is one big part of my job that I just love. It’s the bit where you know you can make a personal difference to people in your team, which of course then has a knock on benefit for everyone, including the business. To me, Scrum truly is about people over…